VHF Channel 68

'Beaulieu River Radio'
01590 616200
Beaulieu River > Notices

Notice is hereby given that 2 additional starboard hand buoys have been installed in the lower reaches of the Beaulieu River.


The first buoy, called Exbury has been installed in position:

50⁰46’.920N 001⁰24’.292W

 Lighted Buoy, Fl G 4s


The second buoy called Simms has been installed in position:

50⁰48’.050N 001⁰24’.865W

Lighted Buoy, Fl G 4s


Adam Lewis                                                                             

Deputy Harbour Master

Beaulieu River

28th July 2024

Temporary Closure of Marina to Visiting Vessels


  1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour will be closed to visiting yachtsman from the 12 July 2024 to 14 July 2024.


  1. The river will be closed to visiting vessels to transit the area 1 mile downstream of the marina.


  1. Swinging moorings will be available in the lower reaches of the river by Gins Farm during this time but there will be no landing facility within the Buckler’s Hard Yacht Harbour Area.


  1. This Notice will self-cancel on 15 July 2024.

1. 5 Knot speed limit and minimum wash

River users are reminded that the speed limit is 5 knots in the river all the way to or from the entrance at the Dolphin.
All river users are reminded of the need to control their wash when using the river, particularly in the proximity of small tenders.
Please remember that excessive speed or wash may lead to steps being taken that may lead to prosecution.

2. Depth of River at Buckler’s Hard

River users are reminded that the depth of water in the river on the approaches to Buckler’s Hard is similar to that on the bar at the entrance to Beaulieu River.

Care should be taken when navigating this section of the River particularly at low water springs.

3. Risk of Collisions

There is a strong tidal current that runs through the Marina both on the ebb and the flood. All River users are therefore reminded to heed the strength and direction of tide when entering or leaving their allocated berth. Please check the website where further data can be found including live water depth.

Weather & Tide Times

Live Water Depth data

If uncertain please obtain advice from Harbour Office or Harbour Staff afloat. When able, Harbour Staff will gladly assist your vessel in or out of the Berth.

4. Reporting Concerns relating to safety

Harbour users are requested to report immediately to the Harbour Master any reasonable concern they have regarding safety in the Beaulieu River. Harbour users are also requested to report incidents and damage, which may affect safety in the harbour.

5. Lifejackets

It is advised that lifejackets should be worn at all times when afloat, on piers and jetties and at the waterside. Particular care should be taken when using tenders, dories and dinghies.

6. Recovery of Casualties – Persons and Vessels

Ambulance Recovery

  • The nominated location for the disembarkation of all casualties to an ambulance is Buckler’s Hard Marina.
  • Masters of vessels with casualties or vessels being assisted under tow with casualties aboard should call Beaulieu River Radio on VHF Channel 68 to request assistance or, out of office hours, call the Coastguard on VHF Channel 16 or 67.

Fire and Rescue

  • The nominated recovery point for vessels in danger from fire, or vessels recovered into the harbour in danger of catching fire, or on fire, is the slipway at Buckler’s Hard or Gins Farm.
  • Masters of vessels in danger from fire that require assistance should call Beaulieu River Radio on VHF Channel 68 or, out of office hours, call the Coastguard on VHF Channel 16.

Vessels in danger of sinking

  • Vessels in danger of sinking should not enter the harbour without the prior consent of the Harbour Master, which will not be withheld unreasonably.

DIAL 999
Or call SOLENT COASTGUARD on VHF Channel 16 or 67

To report incidents or damage call “Beaulieu River Radio” on VHF Channel 68 or telephone 01590 616200. You may be asked to submit a written report. Photographs or video of incidents or damage should also be submitted if available.

Incidents and damage that should be reported include:

  • damage to and collisions between vessels;
  • damage to navigation marks, harbour structures or facilities;
  • malfunctioning navigation marks;
  • dangerous near-miss situations between vessels;
  • vessels proceeding at an excessive speed or creating excessive wash, and;
  • Any other dangerous occurrence.

7. VHF Radio Communications

All vessels whilst underway within the limits of the Beaulieu River are advised to monitor Beaulieu River Radio on VHF Channel 68. VHF transmissions should be kept short and relevant. All visiting craft are requested to radio Beaulieu River Radio on arrival to the river.

All commercial vessels, vessels over 20m and vessels not under command, restricted in ability to manoeuvre or towing another vessel or structure are to give notice of their movements by requesting permission from the Harbour Authority before entering the harbour.

8. International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea

The International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) applies to all vessels, regardless of size and type that use the Beaulieu River. Those in charge of vessels who fail to comply with the COLREGS may be prosecuted.

9. River Regulations

  • Keep to Starboard side of Fairway
  • No jet skiing, water skiing, board sailing or kite surfing
  • Anchoring only permitted between piles 20 and 22 with prior permission from the Harbour Master.
  • No mooring onto navigation buoys, beacons or marks
  • No underwater diving activities without permission of Harbour Master.
  • No swimming
  • Prior permission is required to launch boats, kayaks and canoes on the Beaulieu River. Contact Harbour Office for details.
  • Prior permission from the Harbour Master is required before using the scrubbing grid.
  • Barbeques are not permitted on marina pontoons, piers and jetties, in Buckler’s Hard Village and on the riverside walk. They are also not allowed on board any vessel moored in the marina or on the visitor’s pontoons. Contact the Harbour Office to obtain permission for barbeques for rallies and events.
  • Organised events and races are only to be held after permission has been granted by the Harbour Master.
  • To ensure their safety, please ensure children wear lifejackets and dogs are kept on leads at all times. Do not secure children or dogs to kayaks while paddling the river.
  • Sky Lanterns are not to be released on the River or any land adjoining the river.
  • Use of drones on the River whether commercial or private is not permitted without prior permission from the Harbour Master.

10. Swimming

Swimming is prohibited in the river.

11. Unsupervised Children

  • Please ensure that young children are supervised at all times on the Marina.
  • It is advised that children wear lifejackets at all times whilst on the marina or river.
  • Please ensure that unsupervised children using tenders on the river wear lifejackets and keep to the speed limit of 5 knots.
  • Children should wear footwear at all times whilst crossing the boatyard.
  • Please do not allow children in Marina trolleys.

12. Time Expired Pyrotechnics

Please contact www.thegreenblue.org.uk for your local flare facility. Please note the MCA no longer accept out of date flares.

13. Use of kill cords in powered craft

The kill cord serves only one purpose, to stop the engine when the driver moves away from the controls. It is essential that all owners and operators of vessels fitted with kill cords:

  • Test them regularly to ensure that the engine stops when the kill cord mechanism is operated.
  • Make sure that the cord is in good condition.
  • Always attach the cord securely to the driver, ideally before the engine is started, but certainly before the boat is put in gear.
  • Stop the engine before transferring the kill cord to another driver.

14. Pontoon Safety

The pontoons can become very slippery when wet or icy, wear appropriate footwear and avoid running, take particular care in the dark.

High winds can cause mobility problems and strong gusts can catch you off guard.

Customers are advised not to go onto pontoons in adverse weather conditions unless absolutely necessary. Particular care should be taken when negotiating the gangways and getting on or off boats.

Emergency ladders are located on all marina and river pontoons.

15. Suitability of Tenders

Owners of vessels moored on the Beaulieu River should ensure that any tender used to transport personnel or equipment to and from their vessel, is of a suitable size but no larger than 11ft, and sufficiently stable to provide safe passage in all conditions likely to be encountered on the river. In assessing the suitability of any tender, the following factors should be considered:

  • The strength of the tide
  • The effect of the wind on sea state
  • The presence of vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre
  • The likelihood of encountering wash from other vessels
  • The remoteness of the parent vessel

In addition, a full appraisal of prevailing and forecast weather and sea conditions should be made whenever a tender is used on the river.

16. Pollution Prevention and Waste Disposal

It is an offence for any vessel, including recreational vessels, regardless of size, to discharge any refuse overboard within specified distances from land, and in the case of plastics and other persistent rubbish, in any sea area surrounding the UK (International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78)

Beaulieu River Harbour Office provides the following facilities for the disposal of waste:-

  • 1 x Waste Compactor
  • 2 x 1100 litre bins for general refuse including food waste
  • 3 x 110 litre bins for mixed recycling
  • 2 x 1100 litre wheeled bins for glass and bottle re-cycling.
  • 1 x 1300 litre for recycling waste oil (engine & gearbox only).
  • 1 x 50 gallon drum for oil filters
  • Storage area for Batteries.
  • Storage area for paint cans including anti foul.

The Harbour Authority makes no provision for the disposal of the following hazardous materials. River users are responsible for the correct disposal of these items and if found incorrectly disposed, a penalty charge and disposal cost will be charged to the individual.

  • Aerosols, full or empty.
  • Flares
  • Petrol and Diesel
  • Ink or toner cartridges.
  • Any liquid chemicals.
  • Fluorescent light tubes.
  • Asbestos (in any form).
  • Fridges, freezers, chillers and some air con units.
  • Tyres, brake pads, clutch plates, engines and fuel tanks.
  • Explosives including detonators unused bullets or cartridges.
  • Filter cakes and any absorbent materials used to clear chemical, oil, fuel or paint spillages.
  • Compressed gasses or their containers.
  • TV or computer screens.
  • Printed circuit boards.
  • Animal by-products (including uncooked meats, waste from abattoirs, dead animals etc).
  • Clinical waste (including medicines, surgical needles and surgical apparatus).
  • Radioactive materials.
  • Mattresses
  • Japanese Knotweed.

17. Pollution

All river users are requested to report all sightings of pollution immediately to the Harbour Master via Beaulieu River Radio on VHF Channel 68 or by telephone on 01590 616200.

At times when the Harbour Master’s Office is unmanned, reports should be made to Solent Coastguard on VHF Channel 16 or 67, or by telephone on 02392 552100.

In the event of an oil pollution incident within the Beaulieu River, the Harbour Office is to be informed of the circumstances as soon as possible. No oil treatment products are to be used until specific approval is given and the Harbour Master issues specific instructions for their use. The use of ‘washing-up liquid’ (either domestic or industrial) falls within the scope of this notice.

18.  Charging and storage of Batteries

Due to the increase in the number of fires on yachts within the marine industry, particularly the storage and charging of lithium batteries being the potential cause. The MCA published a Marine Guidance Notice (MGN) on fire safety and storage of small electric powered craft on yachts. We request river users to read this new MGN 

19. Contractors

All Contractors must be adequately insured and report to the marina reception on arrival and departure. Contractors may be requested to provide Beaulieu Harbour Staff with a copy of their third party liability insurance policy for a minimum of £5 million cover. Contractors should follow the guidelines for working on site that covers HSE rules compliance.

Wendy Stowe 2 January 2024
Harbour Master
Beaulieu River